SQL Save

Effectively Backup MS Dynamics SL Databases Without Compromising Security

Now users can easily backup Dynamics SL, formerly known as Solomon, databases without needing access to SQL Server Tools or your valuable IT staff. They can easily backup their application and system databases on the fly before critical processing points that may require restoration. All of this functionality without having to compromise security by loading SQL Tools on the local workstations, and granting unwarranted database access privileges.

Main Features

  • Control the naming of the database files & directories
    The system features the ability to control the naming of the database files as well as the directories to which the backup file will be generated.
  • Organize different databases into separate groups
    SQL Save also supports the organization of different databases into separate groups for backup purposes. You can backup an individual application database, all databases, or a group of application databases.
  • Ensure data security
    You can also require users to key a user name and password before backups occur, or store the SA information in an encrypted format for protection.


SQL Save Setup

SQL Save Setup

Take a look at the SQL Save brochure.